American in Spain

Benjamin Button

January 8, 2009

I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button last night. If you don't know what the film is about, I highly recommend preserving your ignorance until viewing. That's why I'm not providing any hyperlinks in this post. Thankfully, the folks over at IMDB put the rating at the very top of the page, so when I saw the 8.5 rating (that's very high!), I stopped reading and watched it. It would be even better if you watched it without knowing who the lead actor is, but that's difficult since he seems to be on the movie poster. It might not win many Oscars, although I expect several nominations, but it's definitely worth three hours of your time. It is truly amazing how much make-up and special effects have improved. In this movie, they make people look very realistically older and younger. The best special effects are those where you can't tell for sure that you're looking at a special effect.

I don't want to say much more. But I would like to share a line in the movie that really resonated with me. I'm sure that all young adults experience this to some extent, but I think it's especially applicable to expatriates.

It's a funny thing about coming home. Looks the same, smells the same, feels the same. You realize what's you.