American in Spain

The Feeding Mirror

December 17, 2009
Grandpa feeding Nora (crop)

by erikrasmussen, on Flickr")During their visit, my parents very much enjoyed feeding their granddaughter her lunchtime vegetable puree and her afternoon fruit. Feeding Nora is one of the best times (both frustrating and adorable) I usually get to spend with her, and I delighted in the opportunity to share the experience with my folks. In my couple months of feeding her from a spoon, have found that it is pretty much impossible to feed her without opening your mouth big when you want her to do the same. It's a natural human reflex. The fact that she has not yet reached the point where she can mimic the body movements of someone else does not stop us (me, my wife, my parents, and everyone I've seen feed her) from trying to will her mouth open with our own gaping jaw. It's quite a funny phenomenon. Grandpa feeding Nora

Grandpa feeding Nora Grandpa feeding Nora Grandma feeding Nora Grandma feeding Nora