American in Spain

The Hymn of Colindres

October 1, 2010

Coat of armsToday I became aware that the little fishing village where I live has a town hymn, an anthem to celebrate what it means to be from Colindres. Both to ensure that I understand it fully, and to share it with my non-hispanophone audience, I have translated it into English. It really is quite beautiful. I hope to one day hear or see or record a performance of it, as it would be nice to hear the music and voices booming with pride.


Es Colindres tierra hidalga, La cuna de mis mayores Y el orgullo de Cantabria Y el orgullo de Cantabria Que pregonan sus blasones.

Desde lo alto a la ribera Comerciante o labrador Tienes alma marinera Tienes alma marinera Con la azada o el timón.


Colindres empuña el remo Colindres iza la vela Que no hay en el mundo entero Quien contigo en la mar pueda.

De tus astilleros reales Naví­os y galeones Botaste para mil mares Que engrandecieron tus hombres.

Cada dí­a con la aurora A pescar la mar nos llama A la mar que ya es la hora A la mar que llega el alba.


Ha vuelto a venir el dí­a Pescadores hay mar plena Para abandonar la rí­a Que la pesca nos espera.

Ay mi bella colindresa Yo le pido a San Ginés Que con bien de la mar vuelva Que con bien de la mar vuelva Y al venir te vuelva a ver.

Colindres is noble land, The cradle of my elders And the pride of Cantabria And the pride of Cantabria Proclaiming their glory.

From the top of the shore Merchant or farmer You have a seafaring soul You have a seafaring soul With the hoe or rudder.


Colindres wields the oar Colindres hoists the sail There is no one in the entire world That can overcome you at sea.

From your royal shipyards You launched ships and galleons To a thousand seas That exalted your men.

Every day at the crack of dawn The sea calls us to fish To sea because it is time To sea because dawn is here.


The day has come again Fishermen, the sea is full Time to leave the estuary Because the fish await us.

Oh, my beautiful Colindres gal I ask San Ginés That I may return with goods from the sea That I may return with goods from the sea And come to see you again.

Is anyone else getting choked up? Beautiful!