American in Spain

Siesta Haiku

June 20, 2009
Daddy Mattress

Last Sunday, after a meal which was preceded by almost an entire bottle of wine and sirloin steak, I chose to not disguise my sleepiness, like the other gentlemen, on the sofa in front of a boring Sunday movie about 90's American suburbia, and actually lie down on a bed. After a short time, my sister-in-law entered the room and placed a little white slumbering monkey on my chest. As I lay there, I composed a haiku. To not forget it, I recorded it with my new iPhone 3.0's voice memo system. Thus I present it to you now.

Child on chest supine Belly filled with food and wine A moment divine

That's my belly, not hers!

Daddy Mattress

Yes, you can see my underwear here. But you can see her diaper, so we're even, right?

Daddy Mattress

I was only acting asleep. Nora really was.

Daddy Mattress

Sleeping chin dimples.