American in Spain

Devils and Angels

August 5, 2010
Playing the guitar

One thing having my daughter off on vacation has allowed me to do is pick up the ol' six string again. Since she was born, I haven't had much time alone to strum. This morning I finally got around to recording one of my favorite songs I know how to play and sing decently. It's a song by Toby Lightman called Devils and Angels. I first became aware of the song and of Toby Lightman because Apple and iTunes were giving it some play when it first came out because the video for it (watch my performance first!!) is more or less an advertisement for the first generation iPod. I've changed a pronoun in the song to make more sense coming from a male singer, not that that is always important. I mean, if my lover was cheating on me with a woman, then either I'm in a homosexual relationship and my lover is cheating heterosexually, or I'm in a heterosexual relationship and my lover is cheating homosexually. Either way it's bizarre, so I've changed the pronoun. Coincidentally, this topic came up over drinks the other day, about whether you'd rather find your lover cheating on you with someone the same sex as you or the opposite sex. We concluded that the opposite sex was better because then it would feel less like your fault and more like your lover needed something impossible for you to provide. But I digress...

The main reason I love this song is for the initial chord sequence. I hope you like it too.


I found out today that you went on a little trip Somewhere you don't belong One of your friends made just a little slip So I'm taking a little trip of my own

And I'm going to meet you I'm going to greet you At her back door as you're coming out Why this now?

'Cause I used to have angels They used to watch over me When love was not a stranger But love ain't what it used to be And I don't want these devils They're knocking at my door So, I can't love you no more No more

You might have thought that I would be a little bit lazy I might not notice, I might not care But now you're finding out that I'm a little bit crazy, And you were the one so unaware

So I'm gonna meet you I'm gonna greet you At her back door as you're coming out Oh, why this now?

'Cause I used to have angels They used to watch over me When love was not a stranger But love ain't what it used to be And I don't want these devils They're knocking at my door So, I can't love you no more No more

So I'm gonna walk on, walk on Keep my feet moving on Walk on, walk on Keep my feet moving on Walk on, walk on

'Cause I used to have angels They used to watch over me When love was not a stranger But love ain't what it used to be And I don't want these devils They're knocking at my door So, I can't love you no more No more

Here's Toby doing her acoustic version. Even though she does miss the opportunity to roll her eyes like a crazy person on that one line, it's pretty clear which one of us deserves the recording contract.

Thanks for a great song, Toby.